Hello All,
Welcome to another one of Tim's sporadic Cobbetts news letters, got some absolute bangers for you this week!
First up, from Saturday 1st October we're helping to launch 'Hoftoberfest' featuring our customers favourite draught lager in 1 litre / 2 pint steins.

We'll also have the Hofmeister Weisse beer on tap.
Other draught highlights include casks from Arbor, Cloudwater, BBF, Pomona Island, Downlands and of course Collusion XXV with Surrey Hills.
Keg wise, look out for these beauties, Burnt Mill, Arbor, Verdant, Deya, Elusive, Baron and Vault City.
We've also just taken delivery of some amazing cans & bottles.
Kicking off with 2 Arbor collaborations with Shiny.

Arbor / Shiny Brewery
Space is the Place

Liquid light
Sunset Vista

We have 2 new beers from Pomona Island both ipa's, 50 Eggs and Good night my Andalusia.

Baron make another appearance with:
Pale Ale


We have a couple of beers from the Berlin brewery Fuerst Wiacek
Eat the salad

And a lager...
Berliner Landbier

For you sour fans, fear not. We have 3 from our faves Pastore. Apple & Pear Waterbeach weisse 3.8%. 'The diplomat' a fruit crumble sour and 'Il diplomatico' a plum and ameretti semi freddo sour.

Dark beer fans, have we got a treat for you! Dutch brewery Kees return with the ever popular Caramel Fudge Stout, one of our most popular imperial stouts. New this year is their 'Colin the Caterpillar' a 12.4% pastry imperial stout. Tastes exactly as you'd imagine.
Lastly, something really special.
Imperial stout aficionados will appreciate this one. The rare and highly sought after Old Chimneys 'Good King Henry Special Reserve' is their impy stout aged in Oak barrels.
